Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Good luck to an independent Scotland; they'll need it.

A tumshie
I wish the Scots the best of luck with their independence! Salmond's socialist Scots slaves: cannae travel freely, without border controls, into the UK (we will need to protect ourselves against their illegal immigration when they collapse their economy) and the EU (British nationals, not Scottish nationals, are EU members and can travel and work freely in the EU); cannae join the EU because they lack their own central bank and thus can have no control over monetary policy; cannae keep the pound formally because the Bank of England and UK taxpayers will not prop up their profligacy (noo jist haud on! You want independence and a 'bastard English' lender of last resort? Yer bum's oot the windae!); cannae fund their hand-outs (sorry, "social justice" in Scottish) when the SNP discover their dream of being the next Venezuela - because things went so well there - falls apart when the imaginary oil fails to materialise under the North Sea; and cannae generate a revenue from all those who desperately flee that sinking ship when the massive unemployment starts. They could always try selling more whisky I suppose, but clearly they're already mad wi' it from drinking too much of their own product. Oh, and let's not forget that in their political isolation, they'll be giving up any ability to influence other states or massive corporations (I wonder how long it would take severe corruption to take hold in this SNP utopia), or to deal with any global security issues (maybe the jihadists will see that they've run away and stop trying to blow up Glasgow airport? - yer dinnae ken? Ock naw! - probably not).

When Scotland eventually does set up a stable-ish central bank and new currency, it will be many years away, by which time the poverty and debt will have skyrocketed. Only then will they be able to join the EU and hand over all of their new found William Wallacey 'freedom' - if you can call destitution and socialism that - to proudly become the Eurocrats' latest poor and insignificant slave province. And that's if and only if, every single member state agrees to allow them to join, which would require Spain to do something that would encourage the breakup of Spain. With Alex Salmond, the crabbit wee scunner, as their commander-in-chief, what could possibly go wrong?

That is the reality of what they would be voting for, and if they do, are they really the calibre of people we want roaming the UK? Half of them, maybe; probably far fewer. After all this, they'll still be irrationally blaming the 'bastard English' for all the problems they habitually cause themselves. Are we "Better Together"? I don't know, probably, but it's painfully clear they are better off being British! If they want to throw it all away in a hysterical fit, it's entirely up to them. Still, if it means they can get away from those 'evil Tories' in Westminster and their evil capitalist prosperity and liberty, it will be worth all the shite in the world, right? Dunderheids. Oh well, whit's fur ye'll no go by ye.

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